


Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2008 21:39:21 -0600 (CST)
From: Peter Constantin <
junior@math.uchicago.edu, senior@math.uchicago.edu, grads@math.uchicago.edu

It is with great sadness that I have to inform you of the death of Wei Ren, a PhD student in our Department. Wei was found fatally injured outside Rockefeller Chapel on Sunday. There is reason to believe that he may have fallen from the scaffolding. The cause of death will be determined by the medical examiner's office; the Chicago Police Department is conducting a death investigation. We have contacted the family.

We are deeply saddened by this tragedy, and will be going through a process of grieving. Even students, faculty and staff who did not know Wei Ren may feel a sense a loss.

We have made arrangements to enable Wei's undergraduate students, graduate student colleagues and the entire department to gather tomorrow morning at 9:30 am in the tea room (E209). A counselor from the Student Counseling and Resource Center will be available to provide support.

We are going to organize a campus memorial service at an appropriate time, to remember Wei and mourn his death.

The University provides counseling and support for the student and faculty community who grieve. Below are some resources:

Private support is available for students at the Student Counseling Resource Center. If a student feels they need to speak with someone from SCRS urgently and cannot wait for a scheduled appointment, they are free to walk in. Appointments can be made by calling 702-9800, M-F from 8:30-5pm. Faculty and staff can contact the University Employee Assistance Program, Perspectives, at 1-800-456-6327. Some students, faculty and staff may find that they need support which is available through the religious advisors of the different faiths. They can be reached through the Rockefeller Chapel Office at 773-702-9202.

任伟师兄是芝大数学系目前在读研究生里仅有的四个中国人之一。我们经常能够见面,他的办公室就在我楼下,我刚来到芝加哥的时候他还给过我不少经验方面的帮助。他研究的方向是数论,导师是Mark Kisin。




Update 11/17:

根据任伟的室友Justin提供的情况,任伟应该属于自杀。他在家里留下了一张字条,和两个月的房租钱。字条上的内容只是该如何处置他这个学期正在教的本科班,并没有写明自杀原因。另有消息称昨天警方在Rockefeller Chapel顶层发现了他的外套和手机。警方尚未就自杀做出最终结论,因此上述情况在今天上午的会上没有正式说明。



Update 11/18:


As far as we know, thus far no message has been found that was addressed to his family or friends. He left two very short notes though, one concerning rent to his roommate, and the other concerning substituting in his class. His decision seemed to have been quite sudden, although the reasons are rooted deep inside of his soul, and nobody is able to understand what they possibly could be. He would never talk about these things, not even at the last moment.

I send my sympathies to his friends and family. It is truly tragic, and I would like to help more, but unfortunately I think nobody will ever know for sure.



Update 11/20:

今天下午任伟的父亲、母亲、舅父和姨母一行四人从上海抵达了芝加哥(他们一拿到签证就立即赶往了机场),住在学校给安排的小本宿舍Pierce Hall里的两个特别房间内。晚上给学生上完习题课后和也在中国学生会的几名同学一起去探望了他们。长途飞行带来的疲惫也没能遮掩住他们脸上的悲伤。父亲是一个虔诚的佛教徒,一直双手合十,不停地对我们说,“愿佛祖保佑你们,愿佛祖保佑你们...”,然后又用轻得近乎于耳语的声音自言自语地说,“我是一个虔诚的佛教徒,没想到也会这样...”。当他抬起头,我看到了这位年近花甲的老父亲眼眶里的泪光。母亲目光空洞,只是一个劲地向我们连声道谢...



Update 11/23:



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